sareco glossary


Certain definitions are taken from the methodological guide "Parking surveys" published by CEREMA (November 1997, republished in October 2000).
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Term Definition
Payment deductible
Duration during which the motorist can circulate and leave the park after paying for his parking . This duration varies according to the configuration of the car park.
Crossing allowance
Duration during which the motorist can circulate, or even park , in a car park and then exit without paying. This duration may differ depending on the parks. It can be defined, if necessary, within the framework of the public service delegation .
commercial garage
Parking lot not assigned exclusively to a generator , which was built to serve the surrounding district, unlike the private garage which has a vocation of exclusively serving a building.
It can offer places for sale, rental or subscription to local regulars, and/or for a period ranging from a quarter of an hour to a few days for occasional visitors.
Development or building which, because of its frequentation, generates a demand for parking. See also Build area .

Major civil invalid and grand invalid of war (obsolete designations). See Disabled parking card and CMI .

Price list
Set of rates proposed for a car park, detailing the pricing applied according to the duration of parking, the day or days of parking, uses or types of vehicles. See also Exemple : la loi tarifaire peut fixer l’obligation contractuelle imposée à un délégataire de proposer aux résidents un tarif inférieur à celui qui est applicable aux non-résidents. Voir aussi Grille tarifaire.

">Tariff Law
Guidance in place
Usually illuminated device allowing a driver to identify and therefore directly access available parking spaces. In the process of being gradually deployed in on-site car parks, this system is beginning to be developed on the streets. See also Staking .
Said of a customer, or attendance, of a car park, excluding subscription, rental or leasing. See also Visitor .
parking meter
Automatic device issuing, generally against payment (coins and/or bank cards and other magnetic cards), a parking permit for a limited period. The transaction which was most often materialized by a ticket to be affixed behind the windshield is more and more often dematerialized thanks to the entry of the registration number on the keyboard of the device. A parking meter is generally assigned to an area grouping around twenty parking spaces. See also Parking meter .
Charging infrastructure
All the hardware and software equipment used to supply electricity and manage the charging of electric vehicles. We meet the acronym IRVE for “ Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles”
Use of several successive modes of transport during the same trip, resulting in a change of load at each change. See also Multimodality and Parc Relais .
Parking inventory
The inventory of on-street parking is established by a statement of supply (quantity and regulations) and legal and illegal demand (number of parked vehicles), for each section of street.
Set of directional traffic signs indicating to drivers where they can park, depending on their final destination. The delivered message can be fixed (permanent) or dynamic (variable).
Dynamic staking
Set of information panels or devices installed on the road (or in a car park), indicating the direction of the car parks (or levels/areas in the car park) in association with the number of spaces available in real time. See also Guidance in Place .
Automatic license plate reading devices operate by image analysis. They can be used to facilitate and manage access to car parks (fixed installations). They can also help with the control of paid parking (on the personal assistants of agents on foot, or in an on-board system in cars or even on scooters). On the other hand, they are not authorized in France for the exercise of the power of judicial police by the municipalities, in connection with the contraventions provided for in the highway code.
These notched parking lots in the sidewalk are so named because the first ones were made in a Lincoln in Paris.
Customer holding a rental contract giving him exclusive use of a parking space. For any location, see: Subscribers.
Tenants can be:
  • residents,
  • commuters parked at their place of work ,
  • commuters falling back on a public transport station.
Fixed-term contract (month, quarter, year), authorizing access to a structure with reserved space.
For any location, see: Subscription .
Tariff law

Principles of organization of tariffs applicable to a good or service. Example : the tariff law may establish the contractual obligation imposed on a delegate to offer residents a lower tariff than that applicable to non-residents. See also Fee Schedule .

Longitudinal (parking ~)
(or parallel parking) Organization of parking spaces parallel to the traffic lane. perpendicular and herringbone parking .
Relating to a mode of transport (car, two-wheeler, public transport, walking, etc.) The modal share is the proportion of people using a given mode of transport, compared to all people on the move. The modal split is the breakdown by mode of transport of people on the move, expressed as a percentage. A modal shift is a temporary or long-term change from one usual mode of transport to another. Modal shift is the adoption of a new usual mode of transport to the detriment of another.
Soft modes or active modes
All modes of travel driven by human energy alone: ​​walking, cycling , scooters, etc.
Ability to use different modes of transport, individual or collective, to make the same trip depending on the day. See also Intermodality .
Programmed pooling
A concept developed by SARECO, scheduled pooling consists of limiting the private offer associated with each real estate project accompanied by the creation of shared car parks bringing together the complementary needs of several nearby projects.
Parking Observatory

Collection, measurement and analysis system making it possible to produce a set of ratios and information measured at more or less regular intervals, making it possible to judge the quality of the operation of parking in a district, in a city or an agglomeration, and its evolution.

Occupation - respect
Survey aimed at knowing the level of occupation of the road by parked vehicles, as well as the level of compliance with regulations. This type of survey has been standardized by CEREMA .
Immediate payment of the fee
Payment of the fee for paid parking upon arrival of the article R311-1 du Code de la route ; soit essentiellement les poids lourds (camions et autocars), les voitures et camionnettes (véhicules personnels et véhicules utilitaires) et les deux-roues (deux-roues motorisés et vélos).">vehicle , for the planned duration of parking ( prepayment ). Opposes the FPS which is paid after parking.
Automated park
(or mechanical park ) Park designed so that the vehicle is dropped off, then picked up by its driver at the entrance. Movements inside are done without human intervention.
Park in elevation
(or silo) Parking lot with one or more floors above the ground.
Park in enclosure
Ground car park, with or without access control, paid or free, and whose limits are marked by a fence.
Park hourly
(or rotating car park) Car park intended in whole or in part for occasional customers, with short or medium-term parking needs and making a payment calculated according to the time the vehicle is present in the car park. Particularly opposed to: Residential stock .
Mechanical park Synonyms - Automated park
Shared park
Parking lot bringing together the complementary needs of several parking generators located in the same area. The parking needs of these generators can be partially met by their own private fleet. (cf. Programmed pooling )
Private car park
Parking lot assigned exclusively to a specific generator or group of generators (shopping centre, hotel, leisure centre, etc.).
Public car park
Space with controlled access intended for parking, not assigned exclusively to a specific generator and always welcoming visitors and often subscribers. See also: Commercial garage .
Parc Relais (or P+R)
Car park created near a public transport station and designed to encourage motorists to use public transport. This name was chosen so that its initials coincide with those of the British concept of "Park and Ride" or "PR" of Northern Europe. See also Intermodality .
The high number of synonyms bears witness to the communication difficulties encountered by the public authorities: PSR (Regional Parking Lot), PIR (Regional Interest Park), drawdown park, liaison park, transit park, persuasion park, of deterrence...
Residential stock
Park primarily intended for long-term parking for residents. Opposes in particular Hourly Park .
Parfiche or parfiche
Prepaid paper card, to be affixed behind the windshield, authorizing parking in a regulated location for a period corresponding to the zones that the motorist has revealed by scratching. The period can be expressed in hours, days or months depending on local regulations.
(or Parking meter) Automatic device assigned to a paid parking space to allow the collection and control of payments. The parking meter counts down and displays the remaining authorized parking time after payment of the corresponding fee. See also Timestamp .
Synonyms - parking meter
On-board parking meter
(or individual parking meter, or portable parking meter) These small electronic devices were placed behind the windshield and, thanks to a prepayment, made it possible to pay parking fees. Examples: PIAF , DYNAPARK (Belgium) . They have been supplanted by mobile phone payments.
A person who travels daily between home and work. The movement of these people, in one direction in the morning and in the other in the evening, is reminiscent of that of a pendulum.
Synonyms - Commuters
Perpendicular (parking in ~)
(formerly battlefield parking) Organization of parking spaces perpendicular to the traffic lane. longitudinal and herringbone parking .
Company Travel Plan (PDE)
(if applicable: administrative travel plan - PDA; synonym: Mobility Plan) Set of measures taken within a company or a business unit, aimed at promoting alternative solutions to the use of the private car to come to work.
Urban Travel Plan (PDU)
Set of measures taken at the level of an agglomeration aimed at reducing atmospheric pollution by better organizing the movement of people and goods. The parking policy is an important lever. The PDUs were introduced by the Orientation Law for Interior Transport ( LOTI - 1982) and framed by the Law relating to Solidarity and Urban Renewal ( SRU - 2000).
charging point
Equipment for charging one and only one electric vehicle, even if it sometimes has several sockets of different sizes to be compatible with a greater number of vehicles.
Multimodal exchange hub (PEM)
(or intermodal) Interface and coordination site between different passenger transport offers. It usually includes a parking offer for individual mechanical modes (cars, motorized two-wheelers, bicycles).
Payment for parking after using the service.
Partial or total parking payment before using the service.
Procedural act drawn up by a public officer or any sworn person, relating findings of infringements, in particular to parking rules.
Electronic Minutes (PVe)
Report recording an infringement of parking rules, produced in digital form and processed by the Rennes National Processing Rennes . It results in a notice of violation being sent to the offender's home, specifying the amount of the fine due.
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