Glossary of parking and mobility


Certain definitions are taken from the methodological guide "Parking surveys" published by CEREMA (November 1997, republished in October 2000).
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Term Definition
Camping car

These travel vehicles whose layout allows a certain autonomy of residence cannot be subject to a specific parking limitation . Local parking regulations may, however, set vehicle size or weight limits. On the other hand, tourist towns are increasing the number of dedicated reception areas, equipped with certain amenities. See also: Motorhome

Subscription or rental card
Card issued to holders of a subscription or a lease. It allows, if desired, to limit the access of its holder in time or space, for example:
  • to a certain part of the work,
  • between two dates,
  • at specified times,
  • for a article R311-1 du Code de la route ; soit essentiellement les poids lourds (camions et autocars), les voitures et camionnettes (véhicules personnels et véhicules utilitaires) et les deux-roues (deux-roues motorisés et vélos).">vehicle .
Disabled parking card

This card is personal. Whether its holder is a driver or a passenger, it gives the right to use parking spaces reserved for disabled people and allows free parking in paid spaces on the road in several countries including France. It is sometimes called the European parking card.

It replaced the GIC and GIG , the last copies of which lost their validity on January 1, 2011 , and it has itself been gradually replaced by the CMI since mid-2017.

Inclusion mobility card (CMI)
The CMI with the mention "parking for disabled people" gives access to reserved spaces and free paid parking on the street. From 2017, it gradually replaces the Parking card for disabled people , except for people covered by the code for military disability pensions and war victims.
Mobility Center
Set of products and services made available to an individual's journeys in a single place or from a multimodal information system. The information delivered includes a priori that relating to the parking of individual vehicles (car, motorcycle, bicycle ).
Smart charging
Device for controlling electric charging stations to distribute the available power between connected vehicles. The power granted to each vehicle is therefore likely to vary with the number of vehicles whose battery is not full. The power delivered can also vary according to the production and consumption peaks experienced by the electricity network manager.
Paid Parking Litigation Commission (CCSP)
National court that came into service in 2018 to judge disputes over paid parking. She is based in Limoges. It receives disputes either against an FPS , after an administrative appeal ( RAPO ), or against an increased FPS. Its referral requires having previously paid the amount of the FPS or the increased FPS. Its decisions may be challenged before the Council of State.
Contract by which a public person (licensor) entrusts the financing and construction of a work to a private or public person (concessionaire), which is remunerated in whole or in part thanks to the right to exploit the work at its own risk and peril (execution of a public service) for a fixed period.
The work returns to the licensor at the end of the concession .
Locker or bike box
Cabinet sometimes screened allowing a cyclist to safely lock up his bike, often against payment.
Mode of sharing the same private parking space between several users. For example, the owner of a residential parking space who does not use it during the day can thus make it available, during this time, to someone who works nearby. See also: Exemple de complémentarité : les clients de commerces sont présents massivement le samedi, période où les employés de bureaux sont absents. Mais un parc peut être aussi exploité sur places numérotées réservées (essentiellement dans le cadre de locations). ">Trivialization .
Organized or unorganized system for making available seats available in a vehicle for a given journey with or without sharing travel-related costs. This system is provided for in Grenelle II on the environment and included in law no. 2014-58 of 27 January 2014 on the modernization of territorial public action and the affirmation of metropolises.
Niche (parking in ~) Synonyms - Longitudinal (parking ~)
"Vehicle having at least two wheels and propelled exclusively by the muscular energy of persons on this vehicle, in particular using pedals or cranks" (Highway Code, Art. R311-1, 6.10).
Note: In Belgium, a bicycle without a cyclist ceases to be a vehicle and becomes a simple object again; its temporary parking is then possible on the sidewalks provided it does not get in the way.
Pedal assisted cycle
" Cycle fitted with an electric auxiliary motor with a maximum continuous rated power of 0.25 kilowatts, the supply of which is gradually reduced and finally interrupted when the vehicle reaches a speed of 25 km/h, or sooner if the cyclist stop pedaling. » (Highway Code, Art. R311-1, 6.11) Commonly called "electrically assisted bicycle" or VAE.
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