Intercity station

Stations are important poles of attraction. The organization of associated parking thus presents a particular challenge, which can include up to several thousand spaces in the largest French stations.

The demand for parking is quite atypical, with a large proportion of long-term users, but also a high proportion of drop-off and pick-up with or without accompaniment to the train.

Some uses require specific considerations: rental companies, taxis, coaches, drop-off , etc.

Content of the missions

We intervene by analyzing:
  • parking needs linked to the station, integrating a forward-looking vision linked to ongoing projects;
  • interactions with the surrounding urban environment;
  • possible management methods and pricing.

Park and rides are tools enabling a local authority to orient mobility practices within its territory.

Stations are important poles of attraction. The organization of parking thus presents a particular challenge, which can include up to several thousand places in the largest French stations.

221 rue La Fayette
75010 Paris
T.: +33 (0)1 42 46 22 66
2 place Louis Pradel
69001 Lyon
T.: +33 (0)4 78 39 14 83
13 Rue Claude Chappe
35510 Cesson-Sévigné
T.: +33 (0)2 57 67 06 97
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