Christophe BÉGON
Civil engineer from Ponts et Chaussées, Christophe joined Sareco in 2007.
He carries out and supervises all types of missions related to parking : organization of parking at the scale of a territory , programming of parking within the framework of major urban projects , financial analyzes of parking projects , etc. He has particular expertise in matters relating to public transport , having carried out various missions in this area, of a strategic nature in particular: evaluation and updating of the Park and Ride Master Plan, on behalf of Ile- de-France Mobilités (2016, 2021), definition of a strategy in terms of feeder policy by 2030 for the Rouen Normandy Metropolis (2019).
He is particularly invested in the subjects of pooling parking , setting up shared car parks and mobility centres, and on the problem of parking linked to courthouses.
He is a director of ATEC -ITS France and a lecturer on the subject of parking within the framework of training provided by Ponts Formation Conseil .