A critical look at the difficult legal implementation of decriminalization

September 30, 2017
  • The context : Everyone is affected by parking because of its importance in our urban space often threatened with embolism. Its multiple facets reflect images relating to freedom of movement, purchasing power, road safety, technological progress, economic activity, town planning, sustainable development, etc.
  • The question : It is therefore taking into account this delicate context that the legislator designed a new decriminalization and decentralization law. Its objective is to enable cities to improve regulation through paid parking. But if we want to take everything into account when implementing it, is this law perfect... or perfectible?
  • Analysis : In an article published on September 27, 2017 in the Gazette  (4.6MB) , Maître Philippe TAITHE takes a critical look at the legal situation created, having fun with a teasing humor to press where it hurts.


        philippe-taith-lawyer-128x121                              Implementation-of-the-reform-of-parking-The-12-key-points-and-alerts-Philippe-TAITHE

        Philippe TAITHE

        Lawyer - Taithe Panassac Associates 




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