A Mobility Trophy for Argenteuil
July 4, 2018Sareco supported the City of Argenteuil in the overall overhaul of its parking policy . The objective of the mission was to improve the rotation of cars on each parking space, to regain availability in the central zone, and to clarify regulations which had become more complex over the years.
After extensive diagnostic work, fueled by surveys, a new strategy was proposed to improve the operation of paid parking. It is based in particular on a simplification of the zoning of regulated parking, and a resumption of the tariff grids, to achieve a better homogeneity between the road network and the car parks.
The work carried out by the City of Argenteuil and by Sareco was rewarded by Ile-de-France Mobilités (formerly STIF ), which awarded Argenteuil the Mobility Trophy 2018, category Solutions implemented for the application of the reform paid on-street parking .